01.雪顿晒佛 The Xie-dun Festival 选自《天唱》 6'36"
02.天唱 Of God and Men 选自《天唱》 7'30"
03.江上船歌 Rafts On the Tsang-po 选自《天唱》 5'00"
04.萨满 The Call of the Shaman 选自《萨满》 7'02"
05.天祭 Worshipping Heaven 选自《萨满》 6'10"
06.星月梭 Fight of Star and Moon 选自《黑珍珠》 7'11"
07.叶娜 The Gail Named Leaves 选自《黑珍珠》 3'31"
08.司岗里之一 From the Heavnly Cave: PartⅠ 选自《黑珍珠》 3'29"
09.拉木鼓祭 Beating the Wooden Drums 选自《云之南》 4'54"
10.祭祖 Worshipping the Ancestors 选自《云之南》 5'38"
11.凉山新娘 The Bride of Liang-shan 选自《云之南》 5'21"
12.往虹霞瀑布的路上 On the Way to the Rainbow Waterfall 选自《西藏大峡谷》 2'11"
13.森林里的珞巴人 Luobas of the Forset 选自《西藏大峡谷》 4'13"
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