01 是你给我爱 Is your love me
02 瑶族舞曲 The dance music of Yao
03 其实你不懂我的心 In fact you do not understand my heart
04 康定情歌 The love song of KangDing town
05 弯弯的月亮 A curved moon
06 竹楼情歌 The madrigal of bamboo building
07 再回到从前 Return to the previously
08 一剪梅 A plum
09 婚誓 Married vow
10 望春风 Face spring breeze
11 月光下的凤尾竹 The fernleaf hedge bamboo under the moonshine
12 星星索 star gleam
13 映山红 Mountain shone by red
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