01. 塔吉克舞曲Dance Tune of Tajik (王红艺 柳琴独奏) [0:03:26.50]
02. 月芽五更Crescent before Dawn (沉诚 板胡独奏) [0:05:38.25]
03. 採茶曲Gathering Tea Leaves (王中山 筝独奏) [0:04:32.25]
04. 鹧鸪飞The Flying Partidge (戴亚 笛子独奏) [0:07:41.00]
05. 睡莲Sleeping Lotus (刘波·大阮独奏) [0:06:12.37]
06. 大起板Grand Overture (包键·管子独奏) [0:04:47.63]
07. 昭君怨Misery of Lady Zhao-Jun (张高翔·扬琴独奏) [0:06:43.37]
08. 第一二胡狂想曲ErHu Rhapsody No. 1 (朱霖·二胡独奏) [0:10:17.50]
09. 飞花点翠Flowers Falling in the Garden (杨靖·琵琶独奏) [0:04:24.13]
10. 豫调Tune from Yu (侯艳秋·唢呐独奏) [0:03:38.25]
11. 十八板Pattern of Eighteen (黄桂芳·三弦独奏) [0:03:47.12]
12. 乡叙A Folk Gathering (李光陆·笙独奏) [0:06:41.13]
状元榜 Announcing the Champions
Collection of Performances by Champions in the International Chinese Music Competition 1995