01. 茉莉花 Jasmine Flowers
02. 敖包相会 Meeting at The Yurt
03. 小河淌水 Little Creek Flows
04. 雁南飞 The Gooses Flying South
05. 花儿为什么这样红 Why The Flowers Are So Red
06. 月光光 The Solitary Moonlight
07. 南泥湾 Nanniwa
08. 缅桂花开十里香 Lingering Fragrance by Miangui Blossoms
09. 秋词 Autumn Poem
10. 红豆词 The Poem of Red Kidney Beans
11. 山西好风光 The Marvelous Scenes in Shangxi
12. 送情郎 Seeing My Beaux Off
13. 雨不洒花花不红 The Flowers Won’t Turn Red in the Rain
14. 天涯歌女 The Wondering Songstress
15. 月圆花好 Blooming Flowers in Full Moon
16. 采檳榔 Collecting Areca
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