01. 月夜(刘天华曲) A Wonderful Moon-Night 05'26
02. 病中吟(刘天华曲) Groaning From the Patient 06'06
03. 苦闷之讴(刘天华曲) Song of Depression 03'53
04. 悲歌(刘天华曲) Melody of Sadness 02'23
05. 良宵(刘天华曲) Joyful Night 02'47
06. 间居吟(刘天华曲) Glad Humming of A Humble Family 06'47
07. 空山鸟语(刘天华曲) Bird-Singing From the Valley 03'57
08. 光明行(刘天华曲) Pursuing Toward a Bright Future 04'37
09. 烛影摇红(刘天华曲) Shining of the Red Candle 04'39
10. 独弦操(刘天华曲) Performing With An Only String 05'27
11. 听松(华彦钧曲) Listening to the Soughing of Pines 03'46
12. 寒春风曲(华彦钧曲) The Cold Spring Wind 08'46
13. 二泉映月(华彦钧曲) The Moon Reflected in Er-Quan 05'57
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