01. 交城山 (山西民歌) 03:18
Jiaocheng mountain
02. 绣金匾 (陕北民歌) 03:19
Embroidering a silk banner with golden words
03. 兰花花A (陕北民歌) 03:15
girl named Lanhuahua
04. 枉凝眉 03:29
In vain to knit the lashs
05. 在那桃花盛开的地方 03:36
The place where peach blossoms bloom
06. 军港之夜 02:50
Night at the millitary port
07. 十里屯 (陕北民歌) 04:18
Ten-mile village
08. 美丽的草原我的家 03:30
The beautiful prairie is my home
09. 小河淌水 (云南民歌) 06:09
The stream is trickling
10. 小白菜 (西北民歌) 04:39
Xiao bai cai
11. 赞歌 (内蒙民歌) 05:19
12. 牧羊姑娘 03:50
Sorrow of the herdswoman
13. 彩云追月 04:45
Colorful clouds chase after the moon