01 春节序曲(管弦乐曲《春节组曲》第一乐章)
Spring Festival Overture (First Movement from The Spring Festival Suite)
02. 良宵(弦乐合奏)
String Ensemble:New Year’s Eve
03. 北方森林(交响音诗)
Symphonic Painting:Northern Forest
04. 咏梅(前奏曲)
Prelude:Song of Snow
05. 森吉德玛(管弦乐曲)
Senjidema,A Mongolian Girl
06. 山寨春晨(交响音诗《云岭写生》第一乐章)
Mountain Village in a Spring Morning (First Movement from The Symphonic Sketch of Mt. Yunling)
07. 红旗颂(序曲)
Overture:Ode to The Red Flag
01 二泉映月(弦乐合奏)
String Ensemble:The Moon Reflected in the Second Spring
02. 火把节(交响套曲《云南音诗》第四乐章)
The Torch Festival (Fourth Movement from The Symphonic Cycle:Tone Poem of Yunnan)
03. 台湾舞曲(管弦乐曲)
Taiwanese Dance
04. 嘎达梅林(交响诗)
Symphonic Poem:Gadameilin,A Mongolian Hero
05. 秭归端午节(交响组曲《长江画页》第四乐章)
The Dragon Boat Festival in Zigui (Fourth Movement from The Symphonic Suite Paintings of the yangtze)
06. 北京喜讯到边寨(管弦乐曲)
Good News from Beijing to the Border Village