01. 十送红军 05:38
Ten farewell to Red army
02. 母亲 05:00
03. 月光下的凤尾竹 04:31
The Fernleaf Hedge Bamboo in the moonlight
04. 美丽的草原我的家 04:11
Beautiful grassland, my home
05. 牧羊曲 03:53
Song of herding sheep
06. 遇上你是我的缘 04:24
Predestination brings you to me
07. 天路 05:07
sky road
08. 月亮之上 04:39
On the moon
09. 父亲 04:10
10. 莫愁啊莫愁 04:11
Take it easy(MO Chou)
11. 小白杨 04:14
Little Alamo
12. 月亮走我也走 04:27
The moon moves, so do I
13. 常回家看看 04:11
Go Home often