01.琴箏和鸣 Ensemble of Zithers & Strings
02.离愁 Departure Sadness
03.啼鸟识花情 Tweet thy Blossoms
04.追忆泪雨 Tears Recall
05.笑语相呼 Salute in Smiles
06.流水落花 Stream that Runs & Blossom that Shatters
07.山雨初晴 Sky is Clearing up after the Mountain Rain
08.山居自乐 Fun Life Amongst Mountains
09.相思苦 Bitter Yearns
10.西风暮雨 West Breeze in a Raining Dusk
11.松林清音 Clear Tune in Pinewood
12.梧叶月影 Moon Shadows upon Buttonwood Leaves